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brindle saluki


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hi i can remember seeing something saying that the saluki breed cannot throw brindle unless it is crossed with another breed, is this true or not? because ive never seen a brindle pure saluki.


also jj winner of forley cup 2002, does anybody know the breeding of that dog? was it pure saluki or saluki greyhound type.


cheers for any advice!

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wasn't there a topic with a post in it about rabitanators saluki had duff reg papers, might of read it wrong. as you know FTBBTH my memories crap lol

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thanks for the advice riohog, just ive never seen one and ive seen a couple of write ups about brindle saluki.



watch this clip and the dog at the end jj, do you think thats a full saluki? i think its a saluki x

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They have won shows with a few different brindle salukis, here is their brindle bitch in pup




the brindle salukis born into the bagdad kennel i australia are the result of a imported dog from the u/k the woman that imported it swers blind the dog was bred down from (kizzy of barkestead )some say she was sold a duff ped with the dog .......brindle salukis can not be regesterd in the kennell /club in the u/k .they are not recognised as purebred!!!!!.

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They have won shows with a few different brindle salukis, here is their brindle bitch in pup




the brindle salukis born into the bagdad kennel i australia are the result of a imported dog from the u/k the woman that imported it swers blind the dog was bred down from (kizzy of barkestead )some say she was sold a duff ped with the dog .......brindle salukis can not be regesterd in the kennell /club in the u/k .they are not recognised as purebred!!!!!.


That's true, they see the colour as being a fault due to breeding with another breed. Looking at their dogs I'm sure the judges realized the dogs were just as much a saluki as any other dog in the ring. How many generations of mixed breeds bred together would create a line?

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They have won shows with a few different brindle salukis, here is their brindle bitch in pup




the brindle salukis born into the bagdad kennel i australia are the result of a imported dog from the u/k the woman that imported it swers blind  the dog was bred down from (kizzy of barkestead )some say  she was sold a duff ped with the dog .......brindle salukis can not be regesterd in the kennell /club in the u/k   .they are not recognised as purebred!!!!!.


That's true, they see the colour as being a fault due to breeding with another breed. Looking at their dogs I'm sure the judges realized the dogs were just as much a saluki as any other dog in the ring. How many generations of mixed breeds bred together would create a line?


you would be hard pushed to tell after 4 gen heavly sal blooded in each generation .but it would depend what you mixwd it with!!!

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They have won shows with a few different brindle salukis, here is their brindle bitch in pup




the brindle salukis born into the bagdad kennel i australia are the result of a imported dog from the u/k the woman that imported it swers blind  the dog was bred down from (kizzy of barkestead )some say  she was sold a duff ped with the dog .......brindle salukis can not be regesterd in the kennell /club in the u/k   .they are not recognised as purebred!!!!!.


That's true, they see the colour as being a fault due to breeding with another breed. Looking at their dogs I'm sure the judges realized the dogs were just as much a saluki as any other dog in the ring. How many generations of mixed breeds bred together would create a line?


            you would be hard pushed to tell after  4 gen heavly sal blooded in each generation .but it would depend what you mixwd it with!!!


blue is not acceptable eather as a saluki regestration ... it is seen as a mix as blue is predomanantly a whippet greyhound coulor''

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The kennel club is not here to make the breeds stronger or healthier, they are here to decide how they think dogs should look. Thanks to them two types of dogs have changed into deformity, the german shepheard and the bulldog.


i dont think the american k/c will accept brindle salukis either although .. spbds will along with sci reg.but only after a 3 panel critique on a direct coo import .

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